About us

Organisation and Structure
Soroti Youth Skills Centre Foundation LTD is an NGO registered in Uganda. It is being built up by friends from Uganda and from Switzerland
The foundation is led by the board of directors with members from Uganda and Switzerland.
Training and Production
The training is combined with production. The trainees are also getting practical experience by producing for the market. This system has been proved very efficient for training in Europe. The production shall make the foundation self-sustainable.
We want to help the trainees become good professionals. We believe that good professionals need good ethics and moral standards so we disciple them to be professionals and followers of Jesus Christ. Our training is holistic. We train skills and character. Only people of integrity, transparency and accountability will be successful and a blessing for the community.
History of Soroti Youth Skills Centre Foundation
William, a talented Ugandan carpenter had a heart for young people. He started to train some youth. He got in contact with Ernst from Switzerland. Ernst, with the help of donors, began assisting William in setting up a small joinery. There young people were trained in basic carpentry. Some apprentices have since gone through a simple course. It became necessary to place the whole project legally, economically and organisationally on an official, broader basis. For this purpose, SYSCF "Soroti Youth Skills Centre Foundation LTD" was founded in 2016. SYSCF is also registred as NGO in Uganda. Next to Soroti University, a plot of 5200m2 was purchased at the main road. In recent years the needed infrastructure was built. Heavy machines and tools were brought from Europe in a container. A functional carpentry and a metal workshop were installed.